Wolves Athletics

Timberline High School

Boys Varsity Soccer

Team News
Game Summaries (11)
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Skyview High School
5.0 years ago | Tol Gropp
Wolves Win: 2 - 1
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Borah High School
5.0 years ago | Tol Gropp
Match Tied: 2 - 2
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Boise High School
5.0 years ago | Tol Gropp
Wolves Lose: 2 - 3
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Rocky Mountain High School
5.0 years ago | Tol Gropp
Wolves Lose: 0 - 1
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Mountain View High School
5.0 years ago | Tol Gropp
Wolves Win: 4 - 1
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Meridian High School
5.0 years ago | Tol Gropp
Wolves Win: 4 - 0
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Eagle High School
5.0 years ago | Tol Gropp
Wolves Win: 4 - 3
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Centennial High School
5.0 years ago | Tol Gropp
Wolves Lose: 1 - 2
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Capital High School
5.0 years ago | Tol Gropp
Wolves Win: 2 - 0
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Rocky Mountain High School
5.0 years ago | Tol Gropp
Wolves Lose: 0 - 2
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Capital High School
5.0 years ago | Tol Gropp
Match Tied: 1 - 1
News (2)

June 26th Fall Sports Update

Updated on 06/10/2022

June 26th, 2020


Dear Timberline High School Parents & Guardians, 


Due to the current rise in COVID-19 cases in Ada County, our school, along with the other Boise School District High Schools, has made the decision to suspend summer athletic practices and workouts. As of June 26, 2020, we have four confirmed positive COVID-19 cases and four probable cases throughout our athletic programs.


This action taken now, will improve our chances that scheduled fall practices and games may resume in August.


It is important as a community that we do all that we can to mitigate the spread of the virus. With that in mind, please practice these measures from Central District Health:


  •  Wear a face covering in public

  •  Keep at least six feet of physical distance from others

  •  Keep hands and surfaces clean

  •  Stay home if you’re sick, even if symptoms are mild


Below are resources for information on COVID-19 prevention, symptom checking, what to do if you think you are sick, and when to consider getting tested:


If you have questions about the suspension of summer athletic practices and workouts, please contact your child’s coach. (For Timberline Soccer- chris.hawkins@boiseschools.org)


Thank you for your understanding and thank you for doing your part to keep our community safe and healthy.



Diana Molino, Principal

Timberline High School


If you have any questions or concerns, please ask.




**** For soccer, this means there will be no camp, weights, open play, etc. until August 10th (Tryouts) ****

2019 Boys Soccer Information

Updated on 06/10/2022

Timberline Boys Soccer

    Welcome to Timberline Soccer!  We are excited to see you take your next step towards becoming a high school student athlete.  Below you will find important dates/times and ways to stay connected to the program. 

Important Dates:

Weight Training:

 June 3rd - July 26th

 MWF 11:30am-1:00pm

Sign up by contacting Coach Mike to reserve a spot...  mikeielmorinilfa@gmail.com or (707) 547-7707 (by May 20).

Open play:

Starts July 2nd - 25th, on the Timberline Pitch.   Tuesdays and Thursday evenings, 6:00-8:00 PM.   


July 29th - 31st.   2 sessions per day, 9:00-11:00 & 3:00-5:00.

Camp Registration form to come...check back here.


Starts Monday, August 12th.

7:00-8:00 am & 3:00-5:00 pm

Must have all paperwork completed BEFORE you can tryout.   Click here for more information

Ways to stay informed:

Instagram: timberlineboyssoccer

Twitter: @Timberlinesocc

Timberline Athletics Website: www.wolvesathletics.org


Please direct any specific questions to Coach Hawkins: chris.hawkins@boiseschools.org
